Homelessness Prevention
Emergency Rental Assistance
The primary funding for our Emergency Rental Assistance is changing as of May 31, 2024. Starting in June assistance awards will be reduced to less than $1000 per household with the majority receiving approximately $500.
In response to the pandemic we became the primary pass through for the federal funding designated for Emergency Rental Assistance Programs (ERAP) that has kept many households stable over the last 4 years. Through a transitional program initiated and funded by the previous county government administration, ERAP continued to operate after many other jurisdictions’ prevention programs ended.
The current reality is that there have been no additional resources identified to keep the current level of prevention programs funded. While we’ve always known the program cycle would end, it’s been our hope to locate additional resources to maintain a robust program after the bulk of federal funding was depleted. Unfortunately, this has not occurred.
For the full letter from our Executive Director Nick Brown on this situation click here.
To apply, please come into our office between 10am-2pm (Monday-Friday). When you are there you will need to provide the following:
- Last 4 paystubs for everyone employed in the household
- Proof of income for everyone in the household. This includes but is not limited to:
- SSI/SSDI / Child Support / Survivors Benefits / Food Stamps / TCA or TDAP / Veterans Benefits / Pension or Retirement / Unemployment / Alimony / Self Employment Wages / Workers Compensation
- Current Court Action
- Minimum of 10 Day Filing Notice from Landlord or Property Management Company or Failure to Pay Rent Eviction Notice
- Current Lease
- Current Ledger
- Last 4 Bank Statements for Everyone in the Household
- Proof of Hardship
Security Deposit Assistance
Beyond Shelter can help provide Frederick County residents who are at risk of becoming or are currently homeless with security deposits.
The applicant must be a county resident prior to applying for assistance. Assistance is not provided for someone’s relocation to or out of Frederick County.
To apply, please come into our office between 10am-2pm (Monday-Friday). When you are there you will need to provide the following:
- Rental agreement/pending lease
- Must include amount of security deposit
- Must include amount of first month’s rent
- Must include address moving into
- Must include landlord’s information
- Proof of all household income
- Proof of homelessness or that homelessness is imminent
- Completed Intake Application
Utility Assistance
We help clients keep the heat and lights on. Beyond Shelter partners with First Energy and is the home of the Frederick County Community Energy Fund, which is the primary source of Emergency Financial Assistance to families facing cutoff notices and immediate loss of utilities in Frederick County.
Assistance is provided for utilities with termination notices only and does not assist with security deposits for utilities or with bills that are simply due. Beyond Shelter does not assist with water bills.
To apply, please come into our office between 10am-2pm (Monday-Friday). When you are there you will need to provide the following:
- ID and/or proof of Frederick County residency
- OHEP Paperwork/Referral (electric, gas, heat)
- Before applying for assistance, you must first apply at OHEP, which is located at 420 East Patrick St. Frederick, MD 21701. They can be reached at (301) 600-2410 or ohep@cityoffrederick.com
- Termination notice (applicant’s name must be on the notice or must provide proof of valid residency)
- Proof of all household income
- The applicant must have made a payment on their bill within the last 6 months
- Completed Intake Application
Many of us have a safety net when an emergency occurs, but often those in poverty do not. An illness, change in work hours, or loss of childcare can cause an ever-growing snowball of financial hardships.
We are here to respond to the immediate needs of those in crisis, but we are also here to prevent problems before they start.

I am really thankful for the Religious Coalition. I’m without a home and in need of emergency funds for a home for me and my daughter. It’s places and agencies like these that give single mothers like myself extra help. My job helps me put food on the table and clothes on my child’s back, but when it comes to securing a home, it can get a little rough. I appreciate the help the Coalition provides to me and other single mothers.